Friday, May 9, 2014

thoughts on being a soulmate

Brace yourself for the cheesiest, truest thing ever, brought on by the realest, most awesome chat with some of my best friends on the one year friendiversary of the fab four. 

from a very early age, we are all brainwashed into looking for the "oneness" in our gentlemen callers. we watch eight hundred thousand disney movies that tell us that when you know, you just know, and there is that guy out there for us. in church, it feels like your one goal is to get yourself hitched before you turn into a pumpkin, so we curl our hair and wear our favorite pumps while talking about our wifeable qualities and flirting with all the new boys. 


I know my girls and I can't be the only ones who feel a spiritual strain coming from the excessive insistence that we get out there and get married. do you want to know the truth? i'm am HAPPY! tonight, I watched the draft with two of my best friends and played some super smash brothers on a dusty n64. i watched a lot of basketball, and then had a good cry about a friendiversary. explain to me how the guy i met because i'm supposed to get married fits into that.

life is situational, especially now while we're young. we're always going through transitions and phases. someone could be "the one" for right now, where we are at this particular moment in our lives, and we have to take the care to enjoy them to see if they are a person who enriches our lives to spiritual completion. but keep in mind that the answer to "is he the one?" has a lot to do with where we are emotionally, intellectually, and physically. 

but i certainly know one thing to be true. having best friends feels like going on awesome first dates every time we talk or hang out. it seems like momentum, potential. we finish each other's sentences, and the rhythm of our conversations is super fast because our brains are wired to keep up with each other. over the friendship we watch each other grow and we feel super proud of each other when we land awesome jobs, or finish an insane week at work. we can't even believe we've been friends that long, when it flies by in the blink of an eye. we have inside jokes and start copying phrases that the other ones say. we CONNECT. Sure, these are all things I want to find in a potential husband, but the truth is that I can always count on my best friends to be my soul mates, even if all of my other romantic relationships fail. 

no matter where i go in life, across cities, across countries, through different career paths... my best friends are the people i can meet up for the first time in weeks and it will feel like we just danced to a paramore song in a dome yesterday. my best friends always see the best in me, even when i am a HOT ASS MESS. my best friends are there for all of my heartaches, breakups, and relationship issues. they will listen to me go on and on about how crappy my boss is, or will dissect every letter of a two word text to determine if he likes me or not. My best friends will listen to me talk about family drama or grad school cases or book ideas, and eventually they will know more about these things than I do. 

people cut their exes out of their lives, even when they've been together for years.

want to know something great? my friends are never going to break up with me, unless of course i pull some super ratchet mess like stealing their man. 

beat that, husband. No seriously, go ahead and try. because that's the only thing i'm giving up this wonderful rollercoaster of a single girl's life for.